+370 600 80578

"Follow me"

Follow me. That was the invitation the experienced fishermen heard. And the one inviting added more. I will make you fishers of men. The experienced fishermen knew what it means to work hard and patently. They knew how to prepare the nets before going out and to fix the holes in there after the catch. They knew when and where to go for better success. They knew how to steer the boat on the calm and stormy waters. How to read the signs of the sky. They knew what the cold and wet storm is. They also knew how to prepare for the new trip after the unsuccessful one. But now they left their nets and followed the invitation. They followed the best teacher of fishing.


While walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon (who is called Peter) and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, f

or they were fishermen. And he said to them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.Immediately they left their nets and followed him. Mattew 4:18-20


Dear students, Christ is inviting you to follow him and join Him in the fishing! This weekend we want to look at Jesus and learn from Him – how He talked and related with people, how He taught the followers to become the fishers of men. We want to encourage one another to continue following Him during university years (and after those!) and dream together about the opportunities “for fishing” at universities in Lithuania.


TIME: September 27-29, starting with dinner at 6pm on Friday and finishing after lunch at 2pm on Sunday.

PLACE: we will stay at the big house in Kacergine, near Kaunas. Register and we send you clear directions how to get there.

REGISTRATION till SEPTEMBER 23 - please fill the simple form

Limited places! Priority will be to LKSB members and active students.

PRICE: 20 EUR (payed at the weekend). We will take care that you have lots of good food and snacks during that time!

HAVE QUESTIONS? Contact us on Facebook or write

Hoping to see you soon,

LKSB team